White Spots Removal

What are White Spots?

White Spots are white strips or marks on your tooth surfaces. It is the subsurface layer of your teeth enamel become demineralized. It is often caused by poor oral hygiene, plaque, bacterial or acid accumulation on the tooth surfaces.

White spots could also appear if you have dental fluorosis (high amount of fluoride intake when your teeth are growing), congenital enamel hypoplasia (enamel not formed properly due to disease, infection, injuries, lack of minerals, etc. while your teeth are developing) or wearing braces but lack of proper dental hygiene.

Are there any treatments to remove White Spots?

Absolutely! There are many treatment options to remove white spots depending on the severity of the condition, patient’s age and the cause of white spots.

Treatment options to remove white spots:

1) MI Paste Plus®: this is a product containing active ingredient RECALDENT™ (CPP-ACP), a special milk-derived protein that has a unique ability to release bioavailable calcium and phosphate, fluoride to tooth surfaces. Fluoride in the presence of calcium and phosphate ions, could promote tooth remineralization. While you have mild white spots or at high risk of developing caries, MI paste Plus® could help repair the white spots and at the same time protect your teeth from getting decay.

2) Enamel Microabrasion: it is a procedure to remove a thin layer of enamel using a gentle tool with abrasive gel or paste. The entire procedure is painless and non-invasive. After the enamel microabrasion, you might want to have the in-home whitening bleaching trays to maximize the effect.

3) Resin Infiltration (ICON Resin Infiltration): it is not only a gentle procedure to treat white spots, it could also be used to treat incipient decays. The procedure will start with opening up the dentinal tubules by etching gels, then ICON-Dry (ethanol) is used to check the etching result. Incipient decays or white spots will be infiltrated with unfilled resin (tooth-colored resin) and light-cured. The finish will look smooth and natural.

4) Cosmetic Procedures: if non-invasive procedures are not working on your condition, you might want to try some cosmetic procedures such as composite bonding, porcelain veneers or crowns. For more information about cosmetic procedures, please check our cosmetic procedure page.

If you have white spots and are interested in removing them. Please give us a call for the appointment.

Huilin E. Wu, DDS

(718) 358-4448

13620 38th Ave., Suite #5K
Flushing, NY 11354