
What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® is one type of clear aligners in the market that could help align your teeth properly by utilizing sets of clear plastic trays. Those plastic trays were created based on your existing teeth alignment and were designed by algorithm that move your teeth to the proper position virtually. You might also need different types of attachments (white filling materials) bonded to your tooth surfaces to assist the teeth movement and/or shaping your enamel between teeth to create space. Before your Invisalign® treatment, you are able to see how your teeth would be moved virtually and the predicted final result.

Examples of Invisalign® Plastic Trays

What is the benefits of using Invisalign® for orthodontic treatment?

When you have orthodontic treatment with Invisalign®, it is more comfortable than having traditional metal braces. You could eat normally after taking the plastic trays off and don’t need to worry about the food would hang around the brackets/braces. You would be less likely having scratches or sore spots on your cheeks or lips. You are also able to keep your oral hygiene with your favorite toothbrush and floss. In addition, plastic trays are clear which means it is more esthetic.

What to expect for Invisalign® treatment?

If you want to have the predicted result on time, you have to wear Invisalign® trays at least 20 hours a day. Each set of tray would be worn for 2 weeks. You would need to remove trays before drinking or eating, and keep your teeth clean before putting the trays back. A routine follow up appointments would be needed for tracking your progress. You would also need to have a routine dental check-up and cleaning during your orthodontic treatment. For more information, please visit

What type of teeth problem need orthodontic treatments?


Crowding is insufficient space for the teeth to fit properly within the jaws. Teeth may be displaced or rotated. It can be caused by improper eruption of teeth and/or early or late loss of baby teeth. It could also occur when teeth appear larger than the available space within your jaw.


Spacing is excessive space for your teeth to fit properly within the jaws, which is the opposite of crowding. You will realize there are gaps between your teeth. This occurs because your teeth are smaller than the available space. It could also be caused by protrusive teeth, missing teeth, or impacted teeth.


Lower teeth should bite inside the upper teeth. If there is one or more upper teeth fit inside the lower teeth, this is called crossbite. It is one type of malocclusions, and it could affect the front and/or back teeth. If you realize you or your children have this type of occlusion, early correction is recommended.


Openbite is lack of vertical overlap of the teeth, so the upper and lower front teeth cannot touch when the back teeth bite down. It is usually caused by bad oral habit such as tongue thrust, thumb sucking, etc. Orthodontic therapy for this type of malocclusion usually includes breaking oral habits.


Overbite is when upper front teeth cover or overlap the lower front teeth for a disproportionate amount. One example could be you cannot see the lower front teeth when bite down.


Overjet is when the upper front teeth are too far anterior to the lower front teeth. It could be caused by improper alignment of teeth and/or a skeletal imbalance of the upper and lower jaw. Bad oral habit such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting could exacerbate the condition as well.

Impacted Teeth/Missing Teeth

Impacted teeth are teeth fail to erupt into the mouth. It could be caused by improper position of the developing tooth bud, early loss of primary teeth or teeth crowding.

Missing teeth is the absence of a tooth or teeth that should normally present in the mouth. It could be congenitally, or caused by trauma.

Bad Oral Habit

Bad oral habit such as mouth breathing, thumb sucking, tongue thrust, etc. could contribute to teeth malocclusion/alignment. Orthodontic therapy not only focuses on your teeth alignment, it also helps identify your bad oral habit and break them during your treatment.

Dr. Wu currently only treats selected cases with Invisalign®. If your case is complex, we would recommend you to see orthodontists for treatment. We are located in an orthodontic center and work closely with orthodontist Dr. Rong Chen and Dr. Guoqiang Guan. If you would like to have a free consultation, please feel free to call us at 718-358-4448.

Huilin E. Wu, DDS

(718) 358 - 4448

13620 38th Ave., Suite #5K
Flushing, NY 11354