Teeth Hypersensitivity

Why do you have teeth hypersensitivity?

Teeth hypersensitivity is a common tooth problem for many people, but there are many factors contribute to it, such as tooth fracture, tooth decay, occlusal trauma, irreversible pulpitis, bruxing, tooth whitening, thermal or chemical changes, root exposure due to gum recession, tooth abrasion, etc. Teeth hypersensitivity might be temporary or permanent depending on the causes.

Are there any treatments for teeth hypersensitivity?

To treat your teeth hypersensitivity, we have to have a thorough exam and get the diagnosis. If it is caused by tooth problems such as tooth facture, tooth decay, occlusal trauma, or irreversible pulpitis, etc., then we need to treat those teeth problems first by doing occlusal adjustment, filling, inlay/onlay, crown and/or root canal therapy.

If it is caused by tooth whitening, thermal or chemical change, root exposure or tooth abrasion, etc. then it could be treated by desensitizing toothpaste (those contains stannous fluoride or potassium nitrate) first. If your condition is not improved, in-office desensitizer, potassium nitrate bleaching tray or composite filling might be the next option.

If you are have interest in treating your teeth hypersensitivity, please feel free to call us for an appointment at 718-358-4448.

What type of desensitized products we recommend?

If you have teeth hypersensitivity, we recommend you to use Sensodyne Toothpaste. Sensodyne is a well-known brand of toothpaste that target sensitive teeth since 1961. If you want to know more about their products, please check their official website at https://www.sensodyne.com/en-us.

Besides Sensodyne, we also recommend UltraEZ™ Desensitizing Gel from Ultradent. This product contains potassium nitrate and fluoride, comes in prefilled trays that fit any smiles comfortably. It is easy to use and provides immediate relief. It is the best option to relieve teeth sensitivity before and after teeth whitening. If you have interests in this product, please feel free to call us for the consultation.

Huilin E. Wu, DDS

(718) 358-4448

13620 38th Ave., Suite #5K
Flushing, NY 11354